Saturday, January 15, 2011

David Salter Rounds Out SPM 305

David Salter of New Castle, DE decided to take Sports Media Relations for Modular 1 of the Spring Semester due to the fact that his friend told him it would be a very fulfilling elective. David graduated from St. Marks High School in May of 2008 with a 4.0 GPA. David transferred from St. Josephs University in Philadelphia, PA after two years where he excelled in soccer but felt it wasn’t the perfect fit for him. David now studies at Wilmington University to obtain a bachelors degree in Business Management with a minor in finance. In the future, David plans to apply for the State Police where his father spent 15 years and to later to apply for the FBI. David’s hobbies include playing soccer, watching sports, traveling, and marking down the days until his 21st birthday. The past two summers Dave has helped his dad run his lawn care company where he has obtained experience in managing a staff. When asked about how he felt about the first class gathering for SPM 305, David replied, “I found last night’s class to be very interesting being in the same room with two professionals who get to work with star athletes on a regular basis”.

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