Saturday, January 15, 2011


Michael Godwin is the newest asset to the SPM 305 class. He brings a spark of energy to the already outstanding group of students. Godwin has gained helpful experience for this class throughout his years in the classroom and on the field. He was raised in Hockessin, DE and attended A.I. DuPont High School.  Now a 21 year old junior at Wilmington University, he enters Sports Media Relations class and offers skills he has learned not only in the classroom but on the athletic fields. As a Tiger, Godwin was a 4 year letter winner under Coach Darren Brody, his play on the field earned him a roster spot on the Wilmington University baseball team. A 3rd baseman in high school, Godwin was turned into a catcher when he reached the college level. Skills like team work and time management will be brought to the class room in ways that normal students may not be accustom to. Also the ability to learn quickly is an asset of Godwin’s after being able to learn a new position in under a year. A sports management major, he looks to enter the work field in the marketing or public relations area of a professional team. “I’m very excited for the class to start. I think it will be great experience learning not only from a classroom setting but also from a professional standpoint going to various games and listening to guest speakers from the professional world.”

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